Free occasions smileys to use in email messages, forums, blogs or websites.
At Free Smileys, most categories of the animations and emoticons are aimed at specific emotion, feeling or a particular type of circumstances. With occasions smileys, we cater to all the possible situations you would encounter and when you have to convey a message to a friend, relative, colleague, partner or even your teacher or boss. From normal party themes and bottoms ups to bridal showers and bon voyage, there are numerous congratulatory, inspirational, cheering and wishing occasions smiley faces. Whether you have to wish someone a happy graduation or a happy retirement, you would some occasions animated smileys for every occasion.
Step 1: Browse thousand of free smileys by selecting categories. - Step 2: Pick smiley you like, then click Copy To Clipboard button. - Step 3: Insert cursor to email textbox editor, then press Ctrl-V (or Command-V if you're using Mac) - Make sure you enable WYSIWYG/Rich text format editor.